Introducing the New Heat Indicator Sticker for our Inferno® Sling!

6 June 2023

We’re thrilled to announce an addition you can add to your Inferno® Sling – the Heat Indicator Sticker! If you would like, you could quickly determine if the sling has come into contact with temperatures exceeding 200 degrees Celsius.

The new heat indicator sticker gives you an added layer of assurance and peace of mind.

How does it work? The heat indicator sticker showcases the temperature the sling has been exposed to. This instant visual cue ensures you can identify any potential damage or compromised performance due to excessive heat exposure.

The Inferno® Sling is known for its durability, reliability, and exceptional performance in high-temperature environments. Now, with the heat indicator sticker, we’re taking it further to enhance safety measures and empower you with crucial information.

If you’re a professional in the industrial sector working with high-temperature materials, this innovative feature will revolutionize how you monitor your equipment’s integrity.

Contact our team for more information about the Inferno® Sling and the new heat indicator sticker.

the heat indicator sticker on a label

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